Lecture Series “Robust AI”: Helge Rhodin

The next lecture in our lecture series will be given by Prof. Dr. Helge Rhodin on the topic of “What is left to do in visual computing?”.

When & where:

Thursday, November 14, 2024, 4 pm at Bielefeld University (Room CITEC-1.204) or online. Join us via Zoom https://uni-bielefeld.zoom-x.de/j/64775735478?pwd=TFpEUVFPME5EQXFKMHZHY1ZsM2Y4Zz09


I will share my view on the open problems in computer vision and computer graphics. Generative AI disrupted research and industry, to a point where it remains unclear what current models are capable of and what remains open [and accessible for academic research]. I’ll discuss several problems that remain in my broad research field, Visual AI for Extended Reality. The starting point will be examples from my prior research and how they relate to the most recent advances exploiting diffusion and large language models.


Helge Rhodin is a Professor at Bielefeld University, Germany. He leads the Visual AI for Extended Reality group that works at the intersection of computer vision, graphics, and machine learning. He is associated with the University of British Columbia (UBC), where he was an Assistant Professor till 2024. Prior to that, he was a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at EPFL and PhD candidate at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (MPI-Inf). His research interests range from computer graphics and augmented reality, over 3D computer vision, to machine learning.